Welcome to the Open Science Network Leipzig

This is a collection of open science related initiatives, individuals and projects in Leipzig. Open science is going strong in Leipzig; however, it is not easy to get an overview of everything that is being offered. Check out the sidebar to find out what’s up in Leipzig.

The Open Science Network Leipzig is not an official institution that requires any sort of membership. Instead, it is an organically grown resource maintained by people who care about all things open science. If there’s anything we have missed, just add something to the network.

Mailing list for updates

We want to organize a regular Open Science meetup starting in Spring 2023 (assuming that the COVID19 situation allows us to meet in person). To stay in the loop, sign-up for the mailing list of the Open Science Intiative Leipzig.

Hybrid kick-off event on March 9th, 2022

We celebrated the launch of the Open Science Network Leipzig with a hybrid kick-off event on March 9th, 2022.

Here are the slides in case you missed it:

Introduction by Julia Rohrer

CBS Open Science Initiative by Gisela Govaart

(Predicting) replication outcomes by Anna Dreber Almenberg